Wow, the renting of grounded jets trend is awfully telling of the times, and I liked your joke about nobody renting babies yet to stage a shot. But if you think about it, that’s actually not so far from what has been true in the past. There’s been the cultural expectation in America that getting married and having kids is just what you should do, and anything else is appears strange. As a result, many people have “staged” the picture of normal family lives to fit in, without actually fully choosing the role of parenting. The upside of the waning assumption that everyone should parent, is that maybe a higher percentage of parents will consciously make the choice, a trend that can only have overall positive effects on the next generation. I love the intentionality amd thoughtfulness you’re demonstrating in your approach to becoming a dad. I have 2 grown kids and a teenager, and all I can say is that, in the best of ways, the version of me who decided to have kids did not survive 30 years of parenting. And what else should life be about but allowing something real, living, and true to shape you?

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Well said Rick!

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